As long as they are close to a water hole, buffalo will adapt to many habitats. Here on Bergsig Game Farm, the Buffalo love to cover their bodies in mud and hide in the reeds. Their muddy covered bodies are for controlling pests or parasites on their skin. These gigantic antelope are known as one of the BIG FIVE. Buffalo operate in herds and are known as the ‘weed-eaters’ of the veld. Cape buffalo don’t have the best eyesight but a good sense of smell and hearing makes up for it.
In nature, buffalo are short-tempered and don’t often give warnings. Both males and females have horns whereas the bulls have more bulky and heavier-sized horns than the cows, bull horns are thicker and sturdier while cow horns are much smaller and thinner. The strongest males and females lead the herd and they will protect their family by forming defensive circles.
With a gestation period of 11 months, one calf will be born by each female that was fertile to do so. Buffalo are great at swimming as they are often found in water where reeds grow. a symbiotic relationship exists between buffalo and oxpeckers who feed on insects and ticks, in this way, the buffalo gets a groom and the oxpeckers get a meal.